Addition: Booklet 2 - Parent/Teacher Guide
Addition: Booklet 2 - Parent/Teacher Guide - Beginning Regrouping
Parent/Teacher Guide 116 pages - stapled booklet
The Parent/Teacher Guide has instructions on how to teach the lessons, sample dialogues, games, and the Answer Key. The Student Workbook has worksheets and practice pages.
This unique approach to addition was developed by Prof. Emeritus Michael Butler at the world renowned UCI Farm Elementary School.
- The Patterns in Arithmetic series teaches for understanding using a discovery and inductive approach.
- Circle Math is our unique way of teaching arithmetic and specifically regrouping. It is the process of breaking up a large problem into many small problems, solving each small problem, and adding the results.
- The student is guided to find patterns and generalize those patterns in to working knowledge of how procedures work and why they work that way.
- Parents are guided though a series of lessons that give sample dialogues that a teacher might have with a student who is learning.
Student Evaluation
Fishy Game and Story Problems
Circle Math with three and two circles review
Regrouping Introduction
Circle Math Addition, Nonstandard regrouping, and Standard regrouping
Answer Key is in the Parent/Teacher Guide
Foreword by Professor Michael Butler, Introduction, Farm School Math Notes, Teaching Techniques, Arithmetic Conventions, Math Journal, Sequence Guides, Lesson Planning, Materials, and Resources