Multiplication Placement PDF

$ 0.00 USD

Click on the word Multiplication Placement Assessment PDF to see where your student should start with our math series. 

This is a downloadable PDF for you to print.

Student Placement Assessment worksheets are located at the end of each Assessment Guide

Booklet 1 - Basic Concepts

This booklet is designed for seven to nine-year-old students (third grade) who have never had formal instruction in multiplication number sentences.

Prerequisite:  Know how to add a column of two digit numbers

Booklet 2 - Beginning Long Multiplication and Basics of Distribution

Designed for eight to ten-year-old students (late third or early fourth grade) 

Prerequisite: Multiplication: Booklet 1 or previous instruction in multiplication number sentences and multiplication tables required.  

This booklet:  

  • begins with the basics of how the Distributive Property of Multiplication allows the multiplication of longer numbers, e.g., 1457 x 3. 

Booklet 3 - Properties and Factoring

Designed for nine to ten-year-old students (fourth grade) 

Prerequisite: Multiplication: Booklet 1 or previous instruction in multiplication number sentences and fluency with multiplication tables is recommended.

This booklet:  

  • teaches Prime Numbers, Prime Factoring and some deeper concepts in multiplication.

Booklet 4 - Working with Large Numbers and Decimals

Designed for ten and eleven-year-old students (fourth and fifth grade) 

Prerequisite: Multiplication:  Booklets 2 and 3 

This booklet:  

  • teaches the application of the Distributive Property to multi-digit multiplication problems, e.g., 34 x 56, factoring large numbers into factors of ten, and using factors to find answers to large number problems.  
  • applies place value concepts and factoring concepts to multiplication with decimals.

Answer Keys for all Placement Multiplication Assessments are at the end of the Assessment Guide.